Hijri and Gregorian calendar
Hijri, which is known as the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar with 12 months and 364 days a year. It started in 622 AD during the Hijra (emigration) of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) from Makkah to Madinah.
The Gregorian calendar which is also known as the Christian or Western calendar is a solar calendar that began in 1582. It consists of 12 months and 365 days and a leap year that occurs every four years which results in 366 days.
The Lunar calendar lags behind the solar calendar by 10-11 days each year and the process repeats every 33 years.
Mentioned in the Quran, Allah commanded Muslims to use the phases of the (new) moon to mark the fixed periods of Muslim’s affairs including Hajj and fasting Ramadan.
September 2024
Saf 1446 - Rb1 1446
sun | mon | tue | wed | thu | fri | sat |
1 28 | 2 29 | 3 30 | 4 1 | 5 2 | 6 3 | 7 4 |
8 5 | 9 6 | 10 7 | 11 8 | 12 9 | 13 10 | 14 11 |
15 12Mawlid Nabawi Birth of the Prophet | 16 13 | 17 14 | 18 15 | 19 16 | 20 17 | 21 18 |
22 19 | 23 20 | 24 21 | 25 22 | 26 23 | 27 24 | 28 25 |
29 26 | 30 27 |