How to perform Umrah?

Fiqh (Islamic law and literature based on the teachings of the holy Quran and the traditions of Prophet Mohammad) describes how to carry out the rites of Umrah in detail. Pilgrims generally follow handbooks and expert guides to successfully fulfil the requirements of Umrah.



Every pilgrim has to be clear about their intent (niyyah) whether for Umrah or Hajj before they start their journey.



Ihram is a sacred state in which every pilgrim must enter before crossing the pilgrimage boundary, known as Mīqāt, both physically and spiritually. They leave their material life behind and enter a state of submissiveness to Allah. A pilgrim must ...



Talbiyah is the unique dhikr that is recited while on the journey towards Makkah, as a supplication to attain Ihram. It is the conviction that pilgrims intend to perform Umrah only for Allah. By repeating it over and over, they get themselves ready f...



Upon entering the holy mosque in Makkah, every person should perform Tawaf. This is the act of circling around the Kaaba counterclockwise seven times. Tawaf begins and ends from the sacred black stone located in front of the Kaaba. During Tawaf, pil...



Sa’i is the ritual of walking back and forth between two hills known as Safa and Marwa seven times. ""إن الصفا والمروة من شعائر الله فمن حج البيت أو اعتمر فلا جناح عليه أن يطّوّف بهما ومن تطوع خيرًا فإن الله شاكر عليم"" [البقرة 158] {Al Safa an...

Halq or Taqsir

Halq or Taqsir

Every pilgrim performing Umrah must either cut their hair or shave it completely (for women, it’s typically cutting just a single lock of hair) to signify rebirth and purity after their spiritual journey. This act signifies that the pilgrim has exit...

Disclaimer: All content related to religious protocols and details on Hajj & Umrah processes etc has been compiled from multiple credible resources and is not considered an official religious guide.
