Ghar Thawr

Ghar Thawr

A significant historic site with religious significance, Ghar Thawr is located in Jabal Thawr which is about four kilometres away from the Grand Mosque. It is believed that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sought refuge in this cave for a few days while migrating to Madina. The cave is actually a hollow rock which is 1.25 metres high and has two openings. The Prophet is said to have entered from the opening in the west and you can see the Grand Mosque and the Holy Kaaba from the opening in the east.

Makkah Al Mukarramah Library

One of the most important libraries in Islamic history, located at the birthplace of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) houses more than 350,000 rare books and manuscripts, making it a prominent landmark in Makkah.

Mount Abu Qubays

According to Islamic references, Mount Abu Qubays is considered to be the very first mountain on earth. It is also believed that the black stone located in front of the Kaaba was collected from this mountian. Don’t miss out on the chance to visit the very significant landmark.